Cliff Devries Story (Nov) Know About The Celebrity!

Latest News Cliff Devries Story

Read the inspiring Cliff Devries Story and know what has happened to this popular public figure as well as how he fought all the hassles courageously.

Life isn’t about what you are provided; it’s all about what you create with your own hand and how beautifully you face life hurdles without bending your courage. Today we have brought an inspirational story of a public figure of the United States.

The famous diving coach has never stopped his passion for diving despite facing unforgettable hurdles. Yes, you have guessed it right- we’re talking about Cliff Devries. Recently, he has again come back to the news reports for taking the diving coach position for ‘Tigers.’ Let’s know about the inspiring Cliff Devries Story.

A brief introduction of Cliff Devries:

Some of you already know about him; however, for the South Africa, Poland, Philippines readers who may not have much information about him, read this section. In the year 1973, October 30, Cliff Devries was born in the USA. He has received huge fame as a diving coach and was formerly associated with ‘Rochester Institute of Technology.’ 

In 1995, a brain tumor was detected, and as soon as the diagnosis started, the complications increased. The treatment operation took around 13 hours; however, the operation was successful. Researching on Cliff Devries Story, we found during the years 2016 and 2017, he was the main news of the majority of leading media channels, wherein he again dived a 3-meter diving board with his paralyzed condition.

More about Cliff Devries:

According to different media sources and reports we found-

  • He was the one who founded the ‘Mavericks Dive Club,’ as well as he began his career as ‘Monroe Community College’ diving coach.
  • Devries added features by winning the championship twice, including ‘Section V Champion’ and ‘Empire State Games Championship.’
  • He is the winner of around 8 conference championships.

Cliff Devries Story: What happened to him?

Following his life events, as we previously mentioned in 1995, he underwent a lengthy diagnosis process, including a 13-hour long surgery for treating brain tumors. As per the Devries statement, at the time of surgery, a serious complexity arose because of some glitches. This uncertain hazard caused paralysis on the right side; however, his courage has never bent down. He once again became the media sensation after a clip went viral, which includes his diving video from the 3-meter diving board during his paralyzed condition. As per the recent news related to Cliff Devries Story, he has hit the headline again as the announcement is made about its coach position for the ‘Tigers’ for about 97th time. His survival story is admired, and people of the United Kingdom, India, Canada, Australia, stated how they received positive inspiration from Cliff Devries’ life story.


Cliff Devries is a popular public figure, and diving-coach has faced the bad side of life; however, he never felt weak. He always shows courage to overcome the hurdles of life. Today, his story is inspiring his admirers globally, including Germany. To get more updates, stay with us. Does this ‘Cliff Devries Storynews satisfy you? Please mention below.

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