Jessica Rhea Ford (July 2022) Essential Information!

latest news Jessica Rhea Ford
In this article, we will talk about the suicidal death of Jessica Rhea Ford. We will also give you information regarding the whole incident.

Have you heard about the death in the theme park in Tennessee? Last night a dead body was found under the lift chair in the Anakeesta park of Tennessee. Do you want to know about the reason for Jessica’s death?

It was Friday evening when people in the United States visited an amusement park with their families to have fun and spend quality time. Suddenly a tragic incident occurred where a lady was found dead under the chair lift ride. Let’s find out more about Jessica Rhea Ford.

About this incident

According to the report from the Gatlinburg Police, a woman named Jessica Ford was found dead under the ride at an amusement park in Tennessee. Jessica was a 40 years old lady, and people who witnessed the incident said she tried to jump from the ride when it was at its peak. Some say it was an accident, and others say she tried to commit suicide. 

However, the actual mystery behind her death is not clear yet. Local police are investigating the situation, and soon after people found her body, she was transferred to the nearby hospital.

Jessica Rhea Ford

Police informed relatives of Jessica Ford after reaching the hospital, but they arrived later. The police took complete charge of the incident, investigated it thoroughly, and sent the body to the autopsy report in the hospital to find out the actual cause and the time of her death.

Moreover, the amusement park security is also under surveillance to figure out if there is any problem or mistakes in the rides. The owner of Anakeesta park is very disappointed by the incident and completely cooperates with the police to uncover the mystery behind Jessica Rhea Ford death.

Scenario After the Incident

When the body was referred to the hospital, she was already dead. So, according to the information from the local police, the police told the surgeons to do an autopsy, and her family of Jessica also informed about the situation.

The staff and Owner of Anakeesta showed their gratitude and sorrow for the victim and her family. “May God serve peace to her and her family, “The police investigation is still ongoing, and they are looking for clues as much as they can find regarding the death of Jessica Rhea Ford. If there is any further information from the police investigation, we will provide you with relevant news in our articles.


The death of a 40-year-old lady in the park of Anakeesta last night around 7:45 pm. The woman was Jessica Ford of Tennessee. The mystery behind her death is not yet completely revealed; the local police are investigating the situation.

Do you know of any such incidents? You can share your feedback and comments below. To read complete news about Jessica Rhea Ford, visit this news link 

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