Nitrile Gloves and Allergies: What You Need to Know

Complete Information About Nitrile Gloves and Allergies - What You Need to Know

Nitrile gloves are a popular disposable glove used in many industries, including healthcare, food service, and manufacturing. They are a type of disposable glove made of synthetic rubber and are known for their durability, flexibility, and resistance to punctures and chemicals. 

While nitrile gloves offer many benefits, including superior puncture resistance and chemical resistance compared to latex gloves, some people may experience allergies to nitrile gloves. However, some individuals may experience allergic reactions to nitrile gloves. In this article, we will explore the causes and symptoms of nitrile glove allergies and what you can do to prevent them. 

What are Nitrile Gloves?

Nitrile gloves are made of nitrile butadiene rubber (NBR). They are manufactured through emulsion polymerization, which involves the reaction of monomers under certain conditions. The resulting material is a strong, flexible, and durable rubber-like substance that can be molded into various shapes, including gloves.’s nitrile gloves help you keep your hands protected while doing the job. It also comes with the lowest prices and the fastest shipping!

What is an Allergic Reaction to Nitrile Gloves?

An allergic reaction to nitrile gloves is contact dermatitis, a skin inflammation caused by contact with an allergen. The symptoms of an allergic reaction to nitrile gloves may include itching, redness, swelling, rash, and blisters. In severe cases, the response may lead to anaphylaxis, a life-threatening allergic reaction that affects the whole body.

Who is at Risk for Nitrile Glove Allergies?

Anyone can develop an allergic reaction to nitrile gloves, but some individuals are at a higher risk. Those with a history of allergies, particularly to latex or other types of rubber, are more likely to develop a nitrile glove allergy. Additionally, individuals who frequently use nitrile gloves, such as healthcare workers or laboratory technicians, may be more susceptible to developing an allergy.

Why People Develop an Allergy to Nitrile Gloves

The exact cause of an allergy to nitrile gloves is not yet fully understood, but it is believed to be a type IV hypersensitivity reaction. This occurs when the body’s immune system overreacts to a foreign substance, such as the chemicals used to manufacture nitrile gloves.

Individuals with a history of allergic reactions to other substances, such as latex, may also be at a higher risk of developing an allergy to nitrile gloves. Additionally, frequent and prolonged exposure to nitrile gloves can increase the likelihood of developing an allergy.

Preventing Nitrile Glove Allergies

Preventing nitrile glove allergies is essential, particularly for those who use them frequently. Here are some measures that can be taken to avoid nitrile glove allergies:

  • Use Alternative Gloves

Individuals with a history of allergies or at a high risk of developing an allergy to nitrile gloves should consider using alternative gloves, such as vinyl or neoprene gloves. These gloves are less likely to cause an allergic reaction.

  • Change Gloves Frequently

Frequent glove changes can reduce the risk of developing an allergic reaction. This is because prolonged exposure to the gloves can increase the likelihood of skin irritation.

Practice Good Hand Hygiene: Proper hand hygiene can help prevent skin irritation and allergic reactions. It is essential to wash hands with soap and water before and after using gloves.

  • Choose Low-Allergy Nitrile Gloves

Some manufacturers produce nitrile gloves with lower levels of allergenic proteins, which can reduce the risk of allergic reactions. These gloves may be labeled as “low-protein” or “hypoallergenic.”

Treatment for Nitrile Glove Allergies

The first step in treating a nitrile glove allergy is to stop using the gloves immediately. Topical or oral corticosteroids can be prescribed to reduce inflammation and itching. Over-the-counter antihistamines and topical corticosteroids can relieve itching and inflammation if symptoms are mild. However, prescription-strength medication may be required if the allergic reaction is severe.

Epinephrine is a medication that rapidly reverses the symptoms of anaphylaxis, including swelling, hives, and difficulty breathing. In cases where anaphylaxis occurs, epinephrine is the first-line treatment. Individuals with a known allergy to nitrile gloves should always carry an epinephrine auto-injector and be trained in its use.

Allergic reactions to nitrile gloves can be managed with proper treatment and avoidance of exposure. In addition to seeking medical treatment, individuals with a nitrile glove allergy should avoid exposure to nitrile gloves and other latex-containing products. It is essential to inform healthcare providers, employers, and others about the allergy to ensure that appropriate precautions are taken.

Does Insurance Cover Nitrile Gloves?

The coverage of nitrile gloves by insurance depends on the type of insurance plan and the reason for their use. In general, nitrile gloves are covered by health insurance plans when they are medically necessary. For example, healthcare providers may use nitrile gloves during medical procedures to prevent the transmission of infections. In some cases, health insurance plans may cover the cost of nitrile gloves for individuals with certain medical conditions, such as allergies or sensitivities to other types of gloves.


Nitrile gloves are a great alternative to latex gloves due to their superior puncture and chemical resistance. However, nitrile glove allergies can cause uncomfortable symptoms such as skin irritation and respiratory problems. If you suspect a nitrile glove allergy, consult your healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment. 

Taking the necessary precautions, such as wearing alternative gloves or using skin protectants, can help prevent nitrile glove allergies and ensure a safe and comfortable work environment.



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